from visual import * dt = 0.05 t = 0 counter = 0 m = 1.0 rand = random.random randu = random.uniform randc = random.choice omega = 10.0 # trap frequency alpha = 1.0 # confinement field strength omega_L = 100 # laser frequency beta = 0.001 # the parameter for the z-axis confinement delv = 0.0001 # deltav per photon (hbar k/m) c = 100.0 # in some units vm = 0.1 # a big velocity gamma = (vm/c)*omega_L omega0 = omega_L+gamma/2 # define resonant frequency dv = 0.5*vm/1000 # how big a dv kick per photon? N0 = 10**2 # number of photons per time unit at resonance def NFactor(omegap): return (gamma/2)**2/((gamma/2)**2 + (omegap-omega0)**2) def Fz(s,t): z = s[2] vz = s[5] return -2*alpha*z*cos(omega*t) + beta*z def Fy(s,t): y = s[1] vy = s[4] return 2*alpha*y*cos(omega*t) + beta*y def Fx(s, t): x=s[0] vx=s[3] return 2*alpha*x*cos(omega*t) - beta*x def F(s, t): return array([Fx(s,t), Fy(s,t), Fz(s,t)]) #def U(s, t): # x = 1#s[0] # y = 1#s[1] # z = 1#s[2] # print(x,y,z) # return 10#x**2*(-alpha*cos(omega*t) + beta*0.5) - (y**2 + z**2)*(alpha*cos(omega*t) + beta*0.5) def v_betrag(s): return (s[3]**2 + s[4]**2 + s[5]**2)**(0.5) def T(t): v = (v_betrag(s0)**2 + v_betrag(s1)**2 + v_betrag(s2)**2 +# v_betrag(s3)**2 + v_betrag(s4)**2 + v_betrag(s5)**2)/6 U0 = -0.5*(Fx(s0,t)*s0[0] + Fy(s0,t)*s0[1] + Fz(s0,t)*s0[2]) U1 = -0.5*(Fx(s1,t)*s1[0] + Fy(s1,t)*s1[1] + Fz(s1,t)*s1[2]) U2 = -0.5*(Fx(s2,t)*s2[0] + Fy(s2,t)*s2[1] + Fz(s2,t)*s2[2]) U3 = -0.5*(Fx(s3,t)*s3[0] + Fy(s3,t)*s3[1] + Fz(s3,t)*s3[2]) U4 = -0.5*(Fx(s4,t)*s4[0] + Fy(s4,t)*s4[1] + Fz(s4,t)*s4[2]) U5 = -0.5*(Fx(s5,t)*s5[0] + Fy(s5,t)*s5[1] + Fz(s5,t)*s5[2]) U = (U0**2 + U1**2 + U2**2 + U3**2 + U4**2 + U5**2)**(0.5) # return v**2 + 2/3*(U(s0,t) + U(s1,t) + U(s2,t) + U(s3,t) + U(s4,t) + U(s5,t)) print(v**2,U) return (v**2*10 + 0.001 * U)*100 def trap_derivs(s, t, params=None): v = s[3:] a = F(s, t)/m sp = zeros(6) sp[:3] = v sp[3:] = a return sp def rk4(x, t, tau, derivsRK, param): half_tau = 0.5*tau F1 = derivsRK( x, t, param ) t_half = t + half_tau xtemp = x + half_tau*F1 F2 = derivsRK( xtemp, t_half, param) xtemp = x + half_tau*F2 F3 = derivsRK( xtemp, t_half, param) t_full = t + tau xtemp = x + tau*F3 F4 = derivsRK( xtemp, t_full, param) xout = x + (tau/6.0)*(F1 + F4 + 2.0*(F2 + F3)) return xout def move(s, ion): s = rk4(s, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) ion.pos=s[:3] s0 = zeros(6, float64) # Positions- und Geschwindigkeitsvektor s1 = zeros(6, float64) s2 = zeros(6, float64) s3 = zeros(6, float64) s4 = zeros(6, float64) s5 = zeros(6, float64) s6 = zeros(6, float64) s7 = zeros(6, float64) s8 = zeros(6, float64) s9 = zeros(6, float64) def reset(): s0[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s1[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s2[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s3[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s4[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s5[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s6[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s7[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s8[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s9[:3] = array([randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8),randu(-0.8,0.8)]) s0[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s1[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s2[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s3[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s4[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s5[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s6[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s7[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s8[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) s9[3:] = array([randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]),randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1]), randu(0.03,0.04)*randc([-1,1])]) ion0.pos=s0[:3] ion1.pos=s1[:3] ion2.pos=s2[:3] ion3.pos=s3[:3] ion4.pos=s4[:3] ion5.pos=s5[:3] ion6.pos=s6[:3] ion7.pos=s7[:3] ion8.pos=s8[:3] ion9.pos=s9[:3] ion1 = sphere(pos=s1[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.cyan) ion2 = sphere(pos=s2[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.cyan) ion3 = sphere(pos=s3[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.cyan) ion4 = sphere(pos=s4[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.cyan) ion5 = sphere(pos=s5[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.cyan) ion6 = sphere(pos=s6[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.yellow) ion7 = sphere(pos=s7[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.yellow) ion8 = sphere(pos=s8[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.yellow) ion9 = sphere(pos=s9[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.yellow) ion0 = sphere(pos=s0[:3], radius=0.05, color=color.yellow) reset() laserbeam_x = cylinder(pos=(-2.5,0,0), axis=(5,0,0), radius=1.1,, opacity=0.3) laserbeam_y = cylinder(pos=(0,-2.5,0), axis=(0,5,0), radius=1.1,, opacity=0.3) laserbeam_z = cylinder(pos=(0,0,-2.5), axis=(0,0,5), radius=1.1,, opacity=0.3) laserbeam_x.visible = False laserbeam_y.visible = False laserbeam_z.visible = False originx = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0.5,0,0), shaftwidth=0.025, color=color.white) originy = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0.5,0), shaftwidth=0.025, color=color.white) originz = arrow(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(0,0,0.5), shaftwidth=0.025, color=color.white) laser_x1 = box(pos=(-4,0,0), length=2, height=0.5, width=0.5, opacity=1, laser_x2 = box(pos=( 4,0,0), length=2, height=0.5, width=0.5, opacity=1, laser_y1 = box(pos=(0,-4,0), length=0.5, height=2, width=0.5, opacity=1, laser_y2 = box(pos=(0, 4,0), length=0.5, height=2, width=0.5, opacity=1, laser_z1 = box(pos=(0,0,-4), length=0.5, height=0.5, width=2, opacity=1, laser_z2 = box(pos=(0,0, 4), length=0.5, height=0.5, width=2, opacity=1, update = False time = 0 while 1: if update: s0 = rk4(s0, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s1 = rk4(s1, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s2 = rk4(s2, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s3 = rk4(s3, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s4 = rk4(s4, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s5 = rk4(s5, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s6 = rk4(s6, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s7 = rk4(s7, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s8 = rk4(s8, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) s9 = rk4(s9, t, dt, trap_derivs, None) ion0.pos=s0[:3] ion1.pos=s1[:3] ion2.pos=s2[:3] ion3.pos=s3[:3] ion4.pos=s4[:3] ion5.pos=s5[:3] ion6.pos=s6[:3] ion7.pos=s7[:3] ion8.pos=s8[:3] ion9.pos=s9[:3] t +=dt if laserbeam_x.visible == True: v1_x = s1[3] # v_x determines doppler shift v2_x = s2[3] v3_x = s3[3] v4_x = s4[3] v5_x = s5[3] Nph1 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v1_x/c)) Nph2 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v2_x/c)) Nph3 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v3_x/c)) Nph4 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v4_x/c)) Nph5 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v5_x/c)) cth1 = 2*rand(Nph1)-1.0 # get cos(theta) cth2 = 2*rand(Nph2)-1.0 cth3 = 2*rand(Nph3)-1.0 cth4 = 2*rand(Nph4)-1.0 cth5 = 2*rand(Nph5)-1.0 sth1 = sqrt(1.0-cth1**2) # get sin(theta) sth2 = sqrt(1.0-cth2**2) sth3 = sqrt(1.0-cth3**2) sth4 = sqrt(1.0-cth4**2) sth5 = sqrt(1.0-cth5**2) phi1 = 2*pi*rand(Nph1) # get phi phi2 = 2*pi*rand(Nph2) phi3 = 2*pi*rand(Nph3) phi4 = 2*pi*rand(Nph4) phi5 = 2*pi*rand(Nph5) sthcph1 = sth1*cos(phi1) # get sin(theta)*cos(phi) sthcph2 = sth2*cos(phi2) sthcph3 = sth3*cos(phi3) sthcph4 = sth4*cos(phi4) sthcph5 = sth5*cos(phi5) sthsph1 = sth1*sin(phi1) # get sin(theta)*sin(phi) sthsph2 = sth2*sin(phi2) sthsph3 = sth3*sin(phi3) sthsph4 = sth4*sin(phi4) sthsph5 = sth5*sin(phi5) dv1x = dv*(1.0-cth1).sum() dv2x = dv*(1.0-cth2).sum() dv3x = dv*(1.0-cth3).sum() dv4x = dv*(1.0-cth4).sum() dv5x = dv*(1.0-cth5).sum() dv1y = dv*(sthsph1).sum() dv2y = dv*(sthsph2).sum() dv3y = dv*(sthsph3).sum() dv4y = dv*(sthsph4).sum() dv5y = dv*(sthsph5).sum() dv1z = dv*sthcph1.sum() dv2z = dv*sthcph2.sum() dv3z = dv*sthcph3.sum() dv4z = dv*sthcph4.sum() dv5z = dv*sthcph5.sum() s1[3:] += array([dv1x,dv1y,dv1z]) s2[3:] += array([dv2x,dv2y,dv2z]) s3[3:] += array([dv3x,dv3y,dv3z]) s4[3:] += array([dv4x,dv4y,dv4z]) s5[3:] += array([dv5x,dv5y,dv5z]) if laserbeam_y.visible == True: v1_y = s1[4] # v_y determines doppler shift v2_y = s2[4] v3_y = s3[4] v4_y = s4[4] v5_y = s5[4] Nph1 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v1_y/c)) Nph2 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v2_y/c)) Nph3 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v3_y/c)) Nph4 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v4_y/c)) Nph5 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v5_y/c)) cth1 = 2*rand(Nph1)-1.0 # get cos(theta) cth2 = 2*rand(Nph2)-1.0 cth3 = 2*rand(Nph3)-1.0 cth4 = 2*rand(Nph4)-1.0 cth5 = 2*rand(Nph5)-1.0 sth1 = sqrt(1.0-cth1**2) # get sin(theta) sth2 = sqrt(1.0-cth2**2) sth3 = sqrt(1.0-cth3**2) sth4 = sqrt(1.0-cth4**2) sth5 = sqrt(1.0-cth5**2) phi1 = 2*pi*rand(Nph1) # get phi phi2 = 2*pi*rand(Nph2) phi3 = 2*pi*rand(Nph3) phi4 = 2*pi*rand(Nph4) phi5 = 2*pi*rand(Nph5) sthcph1 = sth1*cos(phi1) # get sin(theta)*cos(phi) sthcph2 = sth2*cos(phi2) sthcph3 = sth3*cos(phi3) sthcph4 = sth4*cos(phi4) sthcph5 = sth5*cos(phi5) sthsph1 = sth1*sin(phi1) # get sin(theta)*sin(phi) sthsph2 = sth2*sin(phi2) sthsph3 = sth3*sin(phi3) sthsph4 = sth4*sin(phi4) sthsph5 = sth5*sin(phi5) dv1y = dv*(1.0-cth1).sum() dv2y = dv*(1.0-cth2).sum() dv3y = dv*(1.0-cth3).sum() dv4y = dv*(1.0-cth4).sum() dv5y = dv*(1.0-cth5).sum() dv1z = dv*(sthsph1).sum() dv2z = dv*(sthsph2).sum() dv3z = dv*(sthsph3).sum() dv4z = dv*(sthsph4).sum() dv5z = dv*(sthsph5).sum() dv1x = dv*sthcph1.sum() dv2x = dv*sthcph2.sum() dv3x = dv*sthcph3.sum() dv4x = dv*sthcph4.sum() dv5x = dv*sthcph5.sum() s1[3:] += array([dv1x,dv1y,dv1z]) s2[3:] += array([dv2x,dv2y,dv2z]) s3[3:] += array([dv3x,dv3y,dv3z]) s4[3:] += array([dv4x,dv4y,dv4z]) s5[3:] += array([dv5x,dv5y,dv5z]) if laserbeam_z.visible == True: v1_z = s1[5] # v_z determines doppler shift v2_z = s2[5] v3_z = s3[5] v4_z = s4[5] v5_z = s5[5] Nph1 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v1_z/c)) Nph2 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v2_z/c)) Nph3 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v3_z/c)) Nph4 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v4_z/c)) Nph5 = N0*dt*NFactor(omega_L*(1-v5_z/c)) cth1 = 2*rand(Nph1)-1.0 # get cos(theta) cth2 = 2*rand(Nph2)-1.0 cth3 = 2*rand(Nph3)-1.0 cth4 = 2*rand(Nph4)-1.0 cth5 = 2*rand(Nph5)-1.0 sth1 = sqrt(1.0-cth1**2) # get sin(theta) sth2 = sqrt(1.0-cth2**2) sth3 = sqrt(1.0-cth3**2) sth4 = sqrt(1.0-cth4**2) sth5 = sqrt(1.0-cth5**2) phi1 = 2*pi*rand(Nph1) # get phi phi2 = 2*pi*rand(Nph2) phi3 = 2*pi*rand(Nph3) phi4 = 2*pi*rand(Nph4) phi5 = 2*pi*rand(Nph5) sthcph1 = sth1*cos(phi1) # get sin(theta)*cos(phi) sthcph2 = sth2*cos(phi2) sthcph3 = sth3*cos(phi3) sthcph4 = sth4*cos(phi4) sthcph5 = sth5*cos(phi5) sthsph1 = sth1*sin(phi1) # get sin(theta)*sin(phi) sthsph2 = sth2*sin(phi2) sthsph3 = sth3*sin(phi3) sthsph4 = sth4*sin(phi4) sthsph5 = sth5*sin(phi5) dv1z = dv*(1.0-cth1).sum() dv2z = dv*(1.0-cth2).sum() dv3z = dv*(1.0-cth3).sum() dv4z = dv*(1.0-cth4).sum() dv5z = dv*(1.0-cth5).sum() dv1y = dv*(sthsph1).sum() dv2y = dv*(sthsph2).sum() dv3y = dv*(sthsph3).sum() dv4y = dv*(sthsph4).sum() dv5y = dv*(sthsph5).sum() dv1x = dv*sthcph1.sum() dv2x = dv*sthcph2.sum() dv3x = dv*sthcph3.sum() dv4x = dv*sthcph4.sum() dv5x = dv*sthcph5.sum() s1[3:] += array([dv1x,dv1y,dv1z]) s2[3:] += array([dv2x,dv2y,dv2z]) s3[3:] += array([dv3x,dv3y,dv3z]) s4[3:] += array([dv4x,dv4y,dv4z]) s5[3:] += array([dv5x,dv5y,dv5z]) counter += 1 if counter % 10==0: rate(30) if t > (time + 20): laserbeam_x.visible = False laserbeam_y.visible = False laserbeam_z.visible = False if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed? k = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info if k in ['x','y','z','\n', 't','r']: if k=='\n': update ^= True elif k=='x': time = t laserbeam_x.visible ^= True # laserbeam_y.visible = False # laserbeam_z.visible = False elif k=='y': time = t # laserbeam_x.visible = False laserbeam_y.visible ^= True # laserbeam_z.visible = False elif k=='z': time = t # laserbeam_x.visible = False # laserbeam_y.visible = False laserbeam_z.visible ^= True elif k=='r': reset() update = False elif k=='t': # U = U(s0,t) + U(s1,t) + U(s2,t) + U(s3,t) + U(s4,t) + U(s5,t)# U = T(t) print(U)